Dance Classes on Offer in Inverurie
Pop & Pom - Pre-School & Primary ages
Acro - Pre-School - early secondary years
Commercial Jazz - S1-S6
Tiny Stars - For children who are walking/steady on their feet - 2.5 years
RAD Ballet - For ages 2.5 years upwards
ISTD Modern - From Primary 1 upwards
ISTD Tap - From ages 8 years (P4) upwards
SDTA Highland - From Primary 1 onwards
Contemporary - From P4 upwards
Vocational Classes - Ballet, Modern, Contemporary
"Free" Jazz - Non syllabus classes / From P4+ upwards
Hip Hop Classes - Primary 1-3, Primary 4-7
Musical Theatre Classes - Primary 1-3, Primary 4-7 & Secondary 1-6 years
Adult Ballet Workout - 18 years and over
Adult Tap (Intermediate / Advanced) - 18 years and over
Adult Ladies Jazz - 18 years and over